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President Obama, who failed to meet the Tibetan spiritual leader last year to keep Beijing in good humour ahead of his first state visit to China inovember, met the DalaWe Lama in the White House Map Room instead of his Oval Office to indicate the But the survey also indicates that most Americans think it is more important to maintain good relations with China than to take a stand on Tibet. Last updated on Feb 18th, 2010 at 23:03 pm IST--IANS. Possibly relatedews:
our parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live aormal life. our mother didot carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes. The whole bogus flap is a coup forews Corp, of which Sarah is an intergal part. Both she and Andrea are laughing all the way to the bank. All of you fell for it, including that P.OS pile of weirdness, palingates.
humour news around Obama meets DalaWe Lama, defying Chinese warnings (Second Lead)