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On creationism isot: "The simple yet elegantly awkward moose proves God's creation and evolution, the origin of life. How could something so oddly shaped and silly looking as a moose by developing so-called"atural selection "Evolution is a committee" There isothingatural dorky a moose Only God could have made a moose and his huge antlers to ward off his predatory enemies. God has a well-known sense of humor, We think he has the platypus too. "On Oil exploration and drilling in ANWR, "God has really dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan as if they died and became petroleum products we have made in his perfect image, could it in our pickup trucks, use of snow machines and fishing boats.ow that the ANWR, Todd and We often

Well, God obviously has a sense of humor. Have you ever seen a giraffe trying to get a drink of water What bothers me is that in the first quotation, Sarah Palin comes up with a valid evolutionary explanation for the moose's antlers (to ward off predators), but insists it is a work of God, because she thinks that it is "stupid". Thank God she has a VALID refutation of the idea, which he developed. Dorky looking for. As if evolution is aightclub with a bouncer Check out your outfit and say "no,ot you, you can because you doot get dorky." What the dinosaurs, We doot know where to begin .. . except, perhaps, to quote Lewis Black. "What this is is a clinical psychotic reaction. These people are cold f - kuts. We canot over that way, because these people are observing the Flintstones as if it were a documentary." And the oil supply Well, praise Jesus, we have all these
Would you elect a leader for our country who would say these things
Would you choose a leader for our country, who would say such a thing